The HaloSep plant is officially inaugurated!

The HaloSep plant is officially inaugurated!

Today, we held a digital event to inaugurate the HaloSep plant at Vestforbraending. The main event was held at Vestforbraending in Copenhagen, Denmark, with additional participation from speakers in Göteborg, Sweden and Brussels, Belgium. After speeches from CEOs,...
Pressemeddelelse: Forsøgsanlæg sikrer bedre miljø

Pressemeddelelse: Forsøgsanlæg sikrer bedre miljø

Den 17. november markerer Vestforbrænding, EU-Life og Stena Metall, at verdens første fuldskala forsøgsanlæg – HaloSep – snart kan sættes i drift. Anlægget omdanner flyveaske fra forbrændingsprocesser til genanvendelige materialer i form af metaller, salt og...
Inauguration of the HaloSep demonstration plant.

Inauguration of the HaloSep demonstration plant.

We will officially inaugurate the HaloSep demonstration plant on November 17th. We celebrate the end of construction and look forward to the main test period. The project, the partners and the LIFE programme will present their perspective on HaloSep and why this...
The project has been featured by the LIFE Programme

The project has been featured by the LIFE Programme

The project is close to reaching a major milestone, with completion of the construction and installation phase for the HaloSep demonstration plan. We have now been featured on the EASME news site for the LIFE Programme and on the LIFE Programme LinkedIn page. The...